
Showing posts from 2016

How To Allow a Nourishing Relationship to Enter Your Life


Being Is Fundamental to the Healing Process

With energy healing, the field of Pure Being is an essential component of the transformation process. Your ability to self-refer is fundamental to harnessing the most powerful aspects of your healing capacity. "Self-refer" means dropping awareness into the field of your own inner silence. Your inner silence is none other than the very Source of Creation itself. You are All This, All That Exists. If you think that you don't know how to do this or that you never have, think again. Every time the mind transitions from waking to sleeping, from dreaming back to waking, etc. it passes through that place of deepest inner silence. Since all people experience waking, dreaming, and sleeping, it means that we are all familiar with that place of the Light of Being which is accessed in the gaps between states of consciousness, between thoughts. The experience of this beautiful fullness of Grace is your birthright. Enjoy it, use it to create what your heart desires.  Here's ho

Making Personal and Collective Progress through Energy Work


What to Do If You Crave an Unhealthy Relationship


Healing for the Ancestors to Support the Ability to Self-Love


The Big Sneeze

The big sneeze of our current political storm has started to blow. It has been building in the collective consciousness for over a year and promises deep fulfillment in its aftermath. Here is an opportunity to self position  for maximum spiritual progress and evolution as power of this collective  purification  unfolds.  Praying for fullest benefit to all members of our world family, we joyfully engage with this great sneeze.  Taking a deep look into the mechanics of this cleansing process, we see opposing forces pushing out and holding back. In a healthy sneeze, ultimately, the expulsion energy dominates, so that impurities are released from the system. Until then, resistance counters, thus strengthening the power of the release. The releasing energy must rise to such a pitch that the deepest-rooted toxins are successfully loosened and  completely  eliminated.  The discomfort experienced during the building phase of a sneeze is balanced by the pleasure of its completion. Cert

Archive of the Ancestors and the Family Treasury


Upgrade for Your Astral Body and Immune System


Realm of the Most Innocent Sweetness of Being


Healing Childhood Traumas with the Flower of Life Matrix


Healing for the Environment at the Bakken Pipeline


Healing for Better Sleep -- Filmed at Moonlight Beach in Encinitas


Clearing Self-Made Dramas


Energy Healing - What Is It?


Mechanics of Manifestation - Full Recording of Healing Webinar


How to Make a Divinity Sandwich

Earlier this week  I went to Walton lake to take pictures of the sunrise. As my heart flowed with gratitude for the moment, my camera filled with rainbow light. The camera picked up only the light, not the incredible range of color spectrum which I was seeing nor the glory of Divine love which filled my heart as the experience unfolded. It is a huge joy to share some of these beautiful images with you.  A Divinity sandwich incorporates a dissonant experience with Totality, experienced internally and externally, to create miracles. I had walked about a mile and a quarter to take a picture of the sunrise from a particular spot on the loop trail, only to realize that the power lines run right through exact area of the horizon where the sun was rising.  The sunrise is like the field of Natural Law, infinite, pure, holy, sacred, the bottom of the sandwich. The power lines are like the obstruction, illness, limitation, boundaries, lack, the middle of the s

Four Ways of Accepting Oneself As Infinite


Reflecting Good Vibes: A Healing for the Heart and Home


The Evolution of Synchronicity


Chakra Exercise for Manifesting Wealth


The Unexpected Gift

Question:  I am accepting myself so much more these past weeks and feeling more love and compassion for myself. Looking in a mirror more and with less judgement! Breathing more and trying to be more grounded in my body. Dorothy:  Thank you so, so much for emailing. I would like to offer the following perspective as a support for this particular point in the process.  The things that people don't like about themselves are  also the manifestations of Divine Being. Imbalance is born of incompletion. In order for balance to restore, Divinity must take a specific shape which completes the incompletion. Wholeness blossoms forth from incompletion. That shape, assumed by Divine Being is a gift from you to the Creator. It supports Self knowing from the unique perspective of your being. In this way a deeper union is forged between individual reality and Divine Reality . When you experience any dissatisfaction, this lays the ground for an awakening of Being. Your suffering is nev

What is energy healing? Dorothy Rowe gives an example.


Real Weath Is Love - Healing to Increase Flow of Wealth for Everyone


Enenrgy Healing for the Cause of the Political Mess in America


Clearing Self-Deception at the Cellular Level


Gravity Is Love


Healing for Our Turbulent Times - Summer of 2016


Time Portal at Cahokia Mounds


Healings for Detroit: the City and the River

First Healing - Detroit River and Belle Isle   From a desire to provide energy healing support in places which can use it most, we traveled to the economically depressed city of Detroit, Michigan. Although the energy healing went on all afternoon and through the night, we recorded three segments for the people of this area who are suffering from poverty and depression. The first healing session was filmed at the Detroit River, a source of affluence, abundance, happiness, and well being. The river is a vast source of exquisite love and charity. Somehow the flow of well being from the river is not reaching most of the nearby city.  To conduct this first healing, we visited Belle Isle, a city park of Detroit, which is in the middle of the Detroit River and connected by bridge to city neighborhoods. Belle Isle is an oasis of greenery in this majestic, wide river which flows only 24 miles from Lake St. Clair to Lake Erie. I was expecting to do a healing for the soul of the river

Chakra Workshop, 6th Chakra (Ajna Chakra - Third Eye)


Chakra Workshop, 5th Chakra (Vishuddha - Throat Chakra)


Healing for the Political Process in America - Full Recording of YouTube...


Chakra Workshop, 4rd Chakra (Anahata - Heart Chakra)


Chakra Workshop, 3rd Chakra (Manipura - Solar Plexus)


Chakra Workshop, Part 2 - 2nd Chakra (Svadhisthana - Creativity)


Chakra Workshop, Part 1 -- Root Chakra (Muladhara)


Ancient Healing Academy Exists In the Finer Levels of Creation


Our Soul Journey -- From the Big Bang to Unity Once Again


Earth Is a Middle World

Dear Dorothy: I know that I would be able to heal better if I could love myself more, but I make mistakes every day and I don't like the way I look. All my life I work and take care of others, but never have time for myself. It is hard to find a space of love in a life of imperfection. Dorothy:    Earth is a middle world, a cosmic laboratory of sorts where the light and dark meet in various ways to illustrate the dynamism of the relationship between these forces of creation and destruction. This is why the human experience is so fascinating and highly coveted. The nature of Divine light, or Being is to expand at infinite speed. There are worlds in our universe where the light flows without hindrance. The forms of life in these realms have no motivation to slow down the Grace of Divinity, for it is perfect and precious as it is. There are also worlds where the darkness of boundaries and density are much thicker than what we experience on Earth. In the worlds of density it

Description of Celestial and Causal Levels of Physiology


The God Presence

What is the God Presence? The heart of the matter is the difference between personal and impersonal God, between individual Divinity and Cosmic Self. Cosmic Self is the One, the Field of Totality, everything that ever was, everything that ever will be, everything that might have been, or could be. To this One, nothing can be added or subtracted. Therefore we can infer that Wholeness itself does not change. This singular, non-changing field of pure silence constrains itself into the context of human existence, as well the whole material creation. Within human existence, Cosmic Self experiences life as us, with us, ever-changing, ever-growing. It can thus be understood as never-changing from the perspective of Wholeness and ever-changing from the perspective of human experience. In Vedic science, the Cosmic Self, the One God, the Totality, is called Purushottama. The individualized aspect of God is called "Thousand-Headed Purusha" in its male aspect or "Thousand

Simple Truth - Hum of the Celestial Body


Free Energy Healing for Digestion


Healing to Nourish and Strengthen Eyesight


Offering Ancestors the Understanding of Infinity


Joints and Judgments

Dear Dorothy: I just found out that I will soon need a hip replaced. This is a huge blow since I have been very active all my life, dancing, hiking, and leading an active life. What can energy work do to help my situation? Dorothy: Joints afford both flexibility and stability to the body.  Healthy joints + sense of balance = stability. Imagine standing on a rocking boat, the joints are working constantly to keep the body upright. Problems with the joints indicates mental or emotional rigidity, stubbornness, inflexibility, etc. These imbalances can become chronic when habits of self-defense hold them in place. The long habit of inner rigidity eventually compounds as joint pain. Joints are held rigidly when there is tension in the muscles. Muscles can hold subtle tensions due to self-imposed stress or pressure. I say, "self-imposed" because one always has the choice to interpret external experiences in the light of evolution or in the light of misery. Any experience, no matt

Spiritual Dowsing (How to Use Your Cord of Light)


Beautiful Matrix of Light Connects Everything in Creation


Reincarnation Returns Us to Those We Love


Healings for a Sustainable World


Self-Confidence and Self-Empowerment


Self-Definition and Self-Love

Dear Dorothy:  I have a relationship with a spiritual mentor and friend who is very dear to my heart, which has been causing me a lot of emotional distress for quite some time. This has to do with my attachment to her and my sensitivity to how she sees me. I am wanting to learn how to give love and connection to someone I treasure without wanting it back in equal measure. Dorothy:   Regarding your friend and mentor, I wanted to say that this situation sounds very similar to  several situations that I had experienced in the past. I finally followed them back to my relationship with Mother and then to my relationship with God. In this process, I became empowered to trust only myself to define who I am. Never, never to define myself through the eyes of anyone else, ever. This was deeply liberating. Also, not identify myself with any of the roles which I play in life: mother, wife, teacher, student, etc, etc. These are only hats worn by Divine intelligence. Ultimately, Divinity is all th

Angelic Healing for Feelings of Unworthiness


Love Is the Currency of the Universe


A Flow of Divine Light is Constantly Moving into the Body


Turning Insults into Cosmic Flowers

Dear Dorothy: You said that nature is trying to help me grow by bringing into light what I have repressed so I can expand and grow. And that to do so, I should interpret the message in the highest interpretation for my spiritual growth. I don't think I understand how to do this, or what this is. Lets say my sister tells me I am selfish. So the message is that I am selfish. What is the highest interpretation of this message? That indeed I am selfish and I need to be more selfless? That just feels like self-hate--which I have plenty of already :( I know that this feeling that I am a bad person, who is unlikable, is just a story, a miserable story that I developed in this lifetime with my miserable family. I can see that in transcendental experiences which I can access. The problem is that when I have to deal on the material plane with human beings, I feel that I don't quite know how to do things right, and if people get angry or upset its my fault. I find human relations

Light Energy Healing at Pacific Ocean, Leucadia, California


Healing at the Pacific Ocean for Our Ancestors


Healing for the Pacific Ocean and the Waters of the Earth


Using Negativity to Create Positivity - Step by Step Process

Dear Dorothy:  After my first consultation with you, for nearly 24 hrs, I felt well on most levels for the first time in over a decade.  Then my body and mind went back to the familiar set point of increasing symptoms, gradual decline and worry despite my best attempts to support that shift.  Can you speak to that experience, i.e., why such a strong, positive response that I could not maintain to at least some degree? Dorothy:  The  positive response to our private consultation was your Divine Intelligence showing how quick and effortless the transformation to health can be. Evidently one day was all your intelligence needed to record the feeling of robust health. This feeling is used as a blueprint to structure the path to health. It is a tool or blueprint, for total physical restructuring.  The process is very simple: Mentally compare the feeling of being ill with the template of health experienced in the private consultation.  Let the distress of the current sit

A Woman's Sexual Power Can Support or Destroy a Marriage

Dear Dorothy:  I am a successful dentist in Los Angeles. Two years ago, my wife left me and taking our two teenage children with her. I was and still am completely crestfallen. What did I do wrong? My wife was everything to me. I loved and adored her. During the 19 years of our marriage, I was very happy, I would do anything for her, even though she sometimes seemed distant and unsatisfied. A year before she left me, she became very cold and started to make herself more beautiful - exercising and dressing up every day. Then came the divorce. She said that we were no longer right for each other, that we did not understand each other any more.  What happened? Do you think I can get her back? I miss my wife and kids so much. Dorothy:  It appears that your wife was cheating on you. I am sorry.  Her four dense bodies are gripped by the illusion that feeling loved is dependent on input from her environment, rather than the inner stability of her own Divine relationship with pure love
Free Energy Healing for How We Think about Ourselves  This is a selection from a healing webinar held on March 11, 2016 to support weight loss through energy healing. Energy healing is a method of intelligently directing attention to harness the natural evolutionary flow of creation in favor of a specific outcome. Consciousness loops in on itself to multiply an intention for the sake of manifestation. Together we are always more perfectly aligned with cosmic intention and powerful. I look forward to sharing this event with everyone. To learn more about Dorothy Rowe's energy work and live webinars, please visit To watch Dorothy Rowe's Buddha at the Gas Pump ( interview by Rick Archer see

What Happens During a Distance Energy Work session?

Dorothy: The sessions always start with a prayer of gratitude. This reminds me that I am not the healer. I am only the witness to the transformations which are orchestrated by the presence of God in each person and occur through an activation of the body's own innate healing mechanisms.  Although the group is often quite diverse with regard to age, country of origin, and specific concerns, each person receives precisely the work most pertinent to their situation. Why? Because one's own intelligence is viewing, analyzing, and healing the points of concern in a way which aligns with highest potential. Our bodies are designed to heal themselves. Our consciousness is designed to make this happen. I understand that the medicines we take and procedures we undergo set a condition for the body's healing potential to manifest. Ideally the medicine or procedure communicates a state of wellness to the body. When this state of wellness is adopted by the body, then physical condit