
Showing posts from November, 2016

How To Allow a Nourishing Relationship to Enter Your Life


Being Is Fundamental to the Healing Process

With energy healing, the field of Pure Being is an essential component of the transformation process. Your ability to self-refer is fundamental to harnessing the most powerful aspects of your healing capacity. "Self-refer" means dropping awareness into the field of your own inner silence. Your inner silence is none other than the very Source of Creation itself. You are All This, All That Exists. If you think that you don't know how to do this or that you never have, think again. Every time the mind transitions from waking to sleeping, from dreaming back to waking, etc. it passes through that place of deepest inner silence. Since all people experience waking, dreaming, and sleeping, it means that we are all familiar with that place of the Light of Being which is accessed in the gaps between states of consciousness, between thoughts. The experience of this beautiful fullness of Grace is your birthright. Enjoy it, use it to create what your heart desires.  Here's ho

Making Personal and Collective Progress through Energy Work


What to Do If You Crave an Unhealthy Relationship


Healing for the Ancestors to Support the Ability to Self-Love
