You Are Important -- A Healing
This healing is activated when read. You are important. What you experience is important. The reasons that brought you to be in a human form are important. Regardless of what anyone at anytime thinks or says, know that your existence in this present moment is the means by which the Light of the World is knowing Itself as this Multiverse. For all practical purposes, there is only one experience of this Light, and each of us is living it, each of us is a different facet on the crystal of this one reality. Loving every nuance of this experience opens the door for grace to find expression in life. The presence of grace binds the individual experience to cosmic evolution. It ensures success beyond expectations. Everyone is basically thoughtful, compassionate, sensible, innocent, and wonderful. Your very existence on Earth is itself your permission slip, your ticket to the freedom of choice necessary to allow you to live a life of...