Getting to the Point: Why We Are Here
. The purpose of energy healing is not to make a person into the Source of Creation. Rather the purpose is to provide a foundation for tangible fulfillment on all levels of life. Union of individual and Divine nature is a facet of this process, but is pointless if attained at the expense of individual personality, identity, or desire. The point is to layer Divine intention with individual passion in such a way as to allow both Divinity and individuality to resolve into each other. For example, imagine the process of creating a great work of art. The forces of nature spend eons creating a deposit of marble. The marble itself is the handy work of the Divine. It is complete, needing nothing but existence to be an expression of Divine beauty. However, it can't enter the museum as a finished piece without undergoing a relationship with the artist. It is only after the perfectly formed, natural marble has been touched by the creativity and technique of the artist, that is it elevat...