
Showing posts from November, 2017

Lexicon of the Universe Healing Webinar - Session One - Dorothy Rowe


Seeing Subtle Lights - The Blue Pearl and Glimmers of Prana


Hearing Subtle Sounds to Enhance Your Healing Ability


Recent Changes in the Web of Life (the Crystal Matrix)


Latest Developments in the Web of Life

At the astral level of creation there is a field of light which connects all things. Although it has many names, I call this the Web of Life. The Web of Life is structured like a fractal. Its orderly structure is present from infinitesimally small to as big as the whole universe. This grid of beams of consciousness resides within all bodies as meridians and nadis, as well as throughout all of space. These beams, or threads of consciousness radiate from the chakras and interact with the rest of creation. So, when you have an intention, such as, "Go to the store," there will be a thread of consciousness, representing that intention, which precedes you to the store. This thread of consciousness paves the path of your journey from home to store. Any feeling you may have will flow on a thread of consciousness and find its mark. The points where the threads of consciousness cross are energetic nodes. These nodes carry more concentrated values of energy. Within each node is a na...

Healing for the Clearing of Negative Past Impressions

This healing is activated as you read it. Thank you to the Mother of the Universe for blessing this healing. Thank you to each participant for being the precious expression of the Source of All That Is. Thank you to the ancestors This Healing is clearing impressions from the causal through mental bodies of experiences from the past which were negative, destructive, or painful in nature. These are especially clearing from the etheric body.  Clearing connections with long past debts, long since paid, from the environment and from the field directly around the subtle bodies. There are very complex impressions which appear to be mixed with other subtle energies, such as dimensions, morphic fields, sinister force, etc. It is this very dense energy which has presented itself for purification and transformation.  Stabilizing a state of balance where dense darkness conjoins with the brilliant flow of creativity and intelligence to produce the effect which leads to evolutiona...

Using Energy Healing to Manifest Prosperity - Full Webinar Session Two


Ancestral Healing for Sciatica -- Dorothy Rowe


Ancestral Healing for Sciatica -- Dorothy Rowe


Opening Up the Akashic Record - the Book of Life - for Everyone - Dorot...
