What is an Energy Healing Matrix?
Energy healing is based on the understanding that life is found in layers. Our bodies are constructed in sequentially refined layers. The forms of consciousness which heal are also found in layers. Energy healing can affect purely physiological changes, such as dissolving toxins or balancing hormones. The healing can flow as subtle forms of consciousness, such as light medicines or restructuring of beliefs. Consciousness at the causal level of the body can take the form of Divine Beings--for example, angels or ascended masters, who manipulate the laws of nature to heal deep wounds, individually and collectively. Where does an energy healing matrix fit into this picture? Energy matrices are formed at the astral level of the body. The astral body is the most manifest, yet still collective level of oneself. The astral field is home to the great web of life--an energy structure which connects all things in creation. Threads or channels of energy flow within and ...