
Showing posts from March, 2019

Karma and Energy Healing


Agni - Primordial Light of Creation

At the Astral level of creation, where cords of consciousness rule, the subtle life forms are akin to threads of consciousness, ( nagas ). However Agni is fundamental to this field. Agni can be found at every level of density in the body, with its roots stationed in the gap between Silence resting (Nirguna Brahm) and Silence awake (Saguna Brahm.) Agni initiates from the gap between Nirguna Brahm and Saguna Brahm. In the relationship between Nirguna Brahm and Saguna Brahm there is a continual collapse of infinite silence to infinite dynamism and vice versa. This collapse creates a friction which hums in the form of Agnim. Agni is the first form which emerges from the hum of Agnim. So, even though the birthplace of Agni is in the gap between NB and SB, it first appears as the primordial light of creation in the gap between Divine Being and causal body (finest relative level of manifestation). For this reason we think of the first moments of our universe as an expression of light. ...

Energy Healing Q and A Webinar - Session Two - Dorothy Rowe


Energy Healing Q


Pain Bodies and Attachments


Refined Perception, Understanding, and Devotion


Aligning with Dharma - Dorothy Rowe Webinar - Part Two
