
Showing posts from May, 2019

Healing for Digestion - Download of the Causal Form of Annapurna


Free Energy Healing for Herpes

The reason that herpes is so hard to over come is because it is formed with a very hard outer shell. Normally our body's immune system destroys viruses by taking a DNA sample of the virus, then making a protein which will destroy that virus based on its DNA composition. However that hard shell makes it super hard for the immune system to penetrate the herpes virus. Here is an electron microscope picture of a herpes virus cell. Oregano Oil is super useful. Oregano oil seems to work thanks to a compound called carvacrol . Carvacol helps fight the herpes virus because it attacks the protective cell membranes. The protective cell membrane of the bacteria usually makes the bacteria impermeable to antibiotics. Not only does oil of oregano help break down the cell membrane, it delivers natural and powerful antibiotics as soon as the cell membrane is dissolved and the bacteria is vulnerable.

UNDERSTANDING KARMA Is it Unfathomable? Yes, but we keep trying to un...


Healing to Experience More Wholeness - Using the Body Elemental, Cord of...


Collective Healing for Mother Earth - Healing Webinar - Session Two


112 Point Matrix - The Shiva Matrix

What is an energy healing matrix? Energy healing matrices are sacred geometrical structures which are comprised of threads of consciousness. Consciousness appears as threads, streams or channels at the astral level of creation. Within the web of life (another name for the astral plane) threads or meridians of awareness/consciousness pervade every particle of creation. In the astral plane, the patterns or order of these threads is based upon something like gravity. Some beings or areas attract more life force than others, and the result is a higher concentration of particular thicknesses of threads in some areas than others.  Matrices are energy healing tools which organize these threads of awareness into sacred geometrical patterns which are symmetrical, highly compact and often fractaline in nature. A matrix has three parts: threads, nodes and spaces.  Threads connect nodes. The nodes are little packages of wholeness. Each one contains a spectrum of expression from...

Collective Healing for Mother Earth -- Healing Webinar -- Session One


Healing Exercise -- Scanning with Body Awareness
