
Showing posts from January, 2020

Relationships and Intimacy - Energy Healing Webinar - Session Two


Relationships and Intimacy Energy Healing Webinar - Part One


112 Ways to Focus Attention on the Source of Creation


Changes in the Web of Life & Insights into the Astral Body


The Essential Process of Grieving


The Eight Prakritis

The concept of the eight prakritis comes from Vedic Science. The term 'Prakriti' means 'Nature' in Sanskrit.  The eight prakritis define layers of Nature's expression. These eight divisions are a way of organizing our understanding of the expressed world in terms of density.  In other words, the prakritis slice up our world in sections which range from more concrete to less concrete.  The sections, from dense to subtle, are as follows: Smell - Earth Taste - Water Sight - Fire Touch - Air Hearing - Space Mind  Intellect Ego Prakriti is seen as an accompaniment to Purusha. Purusha represents the silent organization behind form. Prakriti represents the manifestation of form as well as form itself. Purusha is seen as masculine and Prakriti is seen as feminine. Together these two embrace the whole field of existence.  Each of the eight layers outlined above has its own range of dense and subtle. For instance, Earth can be appreciated as the heav...

Dreamtime Activation from Uluru on January 12 and the Australian Fires


The Etheric Body


Creating a Healing Space for Our Cosmic Self
