Energy Healing, Kidneys, and the Renal System
How does energy healing view kidneys? As when considering any part of the body, we have to consider their function in terms of Totality and the process by which Totality--Unmanifest Being--manifests as form.
Kidneys are filters. They are constantly discriminating and regulating. The kidneys are experts on both the quality and quantity of blood required to support the highest health in the body.
Our bodies receive two billion bits of information a second. To avoid overload, both the subtle and dense levels of our system have to filter all this information. The kidneys filter both dense and subtle material.
To better understand the kidneys, we must understand how we receive information. The head area is responsible for bringing information to our physiology from the individual perspective. The gut area is responsible for bringing information to our physiology from the collective and more subtle perspective. See Maha Marmas.
Unless a problem arises, we hardly notice our kidneys due to their location in the mid back. This is a good location for an organ which works primarily with input of a subtler or abstract nature. The proximity of the kidneys to the gut area (basti mahamarma) supports their ability to work with information which comes from the level of infinite Being and collective realms of self. Why? Because the gut is the place in the body where we break relative experience (represented by food) into its least manifest component, energy (represented by consciousness).
The kidneys sit in a position which allows them to be liaisons between the gut and the heart. So the role of the kidney is to translate the very subtle, very abstract experience and understanding which lie at the outermost reaches of conscious awareness in the gut into the language of feeling of the heart. The heart is the seat of feeling and emotion for the whole body. As such it can speak to all parts of the body. The kidneys are working in the gap between the field of perception and the field of emotional expression.
Because of the extraordinarily brilliant positioning of the kidneys, they don't have to deal with information in the form of two billion bits per second, at all. They process the universe before it is much expressed as a material substance, handling nutrients as molecules after the food is mostly metabolized.
The physicality of the food is then in a primal state. At this time the consciousness coming from the food has just been in the presence of our microbial collective and is quite abstract. So the kidneys don't filter concrete bits of information. They are dealing with abstractions, where the job of prioritizing is less complicated than it is, for example, for the prefrontal cortex of the brain where conscious thinking occurs. The kidneys know the climate of the body, and decide whether or not input is aligned with that. It is actually a simple system.
The kidneys must be experts at non-attachment. Most of the value of the gross and subtle material which nourishes the body comes through their gate, but cannot be held there. Perpetuating health means giving the goods over to the circulatory system. It also means making sure that the waste is released. If there is even a small tendency in the kidneys to hold on to the goods or the waste, health problems arise.
Healing the kidneys requires examination of:
- whether there are attachments to anything -- the pleasant or the non-pleasant.
- whether life's boundaries are healthy boundaries--these are often reflected in relationships with others, and
- whether life purpose is on an evolutionary trajectory.
Wishing perfect health for your kidneys!
Love and gratitude,
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