Questions and Answers from Weight Management Program Participants
Dear Dorothy: I am finding this to be a very profound journey with many subtle changes. One noticeable happening is my dreams at night - non stop - very involved and many. I am just observing and telling myself during the dreams that these are just clearings/past life I believe, as I recognize no one- but there are feelings attached and I have been requiring more sleep each night, Is this correct?
Dorothy: Taking more rest is always good. At this time of year when the seasons change, especially, most people need more rest. The fact that you are naturally doing this displays a good attunement between your physical body and the rest of the being.
It is not unlikely that integration of the work we are doing together happens during sleep. This is a natural time for the body to heal and for the nervous system to integrate the important events of the day. The intense dreaming is certainly a reflection of the dynamic changes which are happening now to restructure the new you.
To make this experience smoother I highly recommend a fifteen minute soak using magnesium bath crystals before bed brings the sleep of a baby. The effects last for days. If it is too much to soak the whole body, just the feet will be nearly as good.
Dear Dorothy: I have effortlessly been making new food choices, I feel a shift happening with no weight loss as yet and often when I ask my body what it wants to eat it's a total blank, I run through all kinds of possibilities but no response. The idea of not eating still brings up fear so I eat something then wish I hadn't. : ( Any suggestions?
Dorothy: One reason you are not getting a clear answer from the body is because the answer is not food. The answer is a behavior or activity which really thrills or excites you. Something you will totally enjoy and will be completely in line with the development of your full potential.
A huge congratulations on the new food choices! It is important to appreciate yourself for every step in the direction of permanent, sustainable thin behaviors. They add up and will result in long term, stable weight normalization. Also, when these changes come it is good to receive them as the "new normal". If you back slide a bit, no worries, know that sometimes that can happen when integration of a new behavior is taking place. We are aiming for effortless normalization for life. Yes?
When in doubt of what to eat, here are some simple points.
- The brain, which is in charge of all body functions is made primarily of fat and runs on protein, fat (Omega-3 especially) and prana (life force in foods such as fresh veggies). If a food does not contain these essentials, the brain will continue sending signals to the body that it is hungry. Suppose you just finished downing 6,000 calories of donuts, the brain will continue sending "I'm starving" signals to the body until it gets the nutrients it needs.
- The brain is responsible for consuming 20% of the nutrients we eat. So eat to satisfy the brain and you can cut down on all food cravings which come from this area.
- Sugar is extremely addictive, however, research shows that it is much more addictive when eaten on an empty stomach. So when ever possible, eat anything that is not sweet when you are hungry. If you eat the sweets when you are mostly full, you probably will eat less of them.
- The other place which cravings come from is the gut. As you continue the Digestive Mastery protocol, you will become more and more sensitive to the needs and desires of really healthy bacteria, normal body weight bacteria. It turns out that they love fiber. So if you aren't sure what to eat, send them some food love in the form of fiber foods. They will repay you by making babies which will support a healthier body weight.
Regarding the fear of hunger, thank you so much for bringing this up. We have addressed it some in our sessions, but will continue peeling off deeper and deeper layers until it is completely gone.
When you feel it, this is the opportunity to release it. The fear that makes you fat is the fear that you are unaware of, the hidden fear. So, if you are feeling the fear, then you are in a position to release it at that moment. See my Mechanics of Healing video to review the steps.
Thank you so much for these awesome questions. I hope that these answers helped everyone. I so sincerely adore each of you and feel it a huge privilege to be of assistance to everyone on the journey to happiness, health, perfect body weight, and the body of your dreams.
For those interested in finding out more about this Weight Management Program, please visit my website.
For those interested in finding out more about this Weight Management Program, please visit my website.
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