The God Presence

What is the God Presence?

The heart of the matter is the difference between personal and impersonal God, between individual Divinity and Cosmic Self.

Cosmic Self is the One, the Field of Totality, everything that ever was, everything that ever will be, everything that might have been, or could be. To this One, nothing can be added or subtracted. Therefore we can infer that Wholeness itself does not change.

This singular, non-changing field of pure silence constrains itself into the context of human existence, as well the whole material creation. Within human existence, Cosmic Self experiences life as us, with us, ever-changing, ever-growing. It can thus be understood as never-changing from the perspective of Wholeness and ever-changing from the perspective of human experience.

In Vedic science, the Cosmic Self, the One God, the Totality, is called Purushottama. The individualized aspect of God is called "Thousand-Headed Purusha" in its male aspect or "Thousand-Headed Mother Divine" in its female aspect.

For the sake of my work, I sometimes refer to personal God as "God presence."

Since the God presence is experiencing life as us, through us, it knows what we know, it grows as we grow. Our evolution is the evolution of Divinity through us. Thus we become the instruments of Divine or Cosmic evolution. This is such an incredible privilege and honor. It justifies the learning curve and brings glory to every weakness which becomes a strength, every problem which we turn into an opportunity.

Personal God, or God presence is our connection to Totality. It is accessed through the 7th chakra, and through the cords of consciousness, which emanate from the head. The personal God is a completely beneficent and supportive presence of Self. As a link between earthly self and Divine Self, it is constrained by personal beliefs and understandings. In other words, it acts through the filter of your personal wisdom and understanding. Therefore the evolution of your filter determines whether your personal God can function to create miracles in your life, or not.

How is the God presence related to the Causal body?

For a detailed description of the causal body, see the knowledge base entry for Causal Body.

What we experience as the inner space upon which thoughts, actions, and perceptions evolve is the hum of the causal body. The capability of the causal body to hum in various modes is infinite.

When powerful healing transformations are required, first one cherishes the vision of the goal, then offers this vision to the Source of Self. (See Healing Algorithm: Source then communicates to the causal body the precise frequency, or combination of frequencies to form a foundation empowering a sense of "self" fully capable of melting cancer tumors, activating the immune system, regrowing tissues, or whatever the body requires. 

Some healers look upon these resonations, or modes, as angels, ascended masters, forms of gods, etc. The value of this approach is that it initiates the frequency of sincere gratitude along with the causal body hum. Since gratitude is one of the pillars of the healing process, this would be likened to adding an engine to the healing process. Very precious.

However, it is not my experience that anything in the universe actually resides outside the range of the causal body other than the Source of Creation itself. There is such a deeply intimate relationship between the causal level of self and the Source of life, that to find the difference between the two requires finest perception. The causal body is capable of creating an infinity of resonations in order to produce literally any effect. The God presence can be understood as the largest resonating region of the causal body. It is that space which embraces the whole causal field of self in a single form. To put the God presence in perspective, by comparison, the over arching God of all creation is all inclusive of the whole relative field and the whole unmanifest Source simultaneously.  

May we all learn to harness the infinity potential of the celestial body and create a life and a world which reflects Divinity in its most complete form.


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