
Showing posts from April, 2017

Energy Healing for Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS)


Healing for the Flow of Wisdom and Knowledge by Dorothy Rowe


Reclaim Personal Power Over the Healing Process

Here are some simple guidelines to help navigate through the jungle of healing modalities and therapies now available in today's ever-expanding market. When symptoms arise, one asks, "How can I successfully address this? Does this symptom indicate a serious problem?" By the time symptoms arise, their source may have been present deep within for some time. If inner awareness is sensitive, the imbalance will be located long before symptoms arise. However, if a symptom is present, this means that the problem has not been solved at its deepest level. Either awareness of the imbalance was not present, or awareness was there and the means of addressing that imbalance was not known or could not be implemented. The root problem is a lack of clear internal communication. It is not that we do not want good inner communication.. Rather, old belief patterns tell us we are not equipped to deal effectively with inner problems, the consequences for a mistake in self-healing are too...

Reclaim Personal Power over the Healing Process Video


Energy Healing Manifestation Workshop - Dorothy Rowe- I hr 15 min


Free Energy Healing Webinar - Befriending the Body by Dorothy Rowe - 1 ...


Women's Reproductive System - An Energy Healing
