Reclaim Personal Power Over the Healing Process

Here are some simple guidelines to help navigate through the jungle of healing modalities and therapies now available in today's ever-expanding market.

When symptoms arise, one asks, "How can I successfully address this? Does this symptom indicate a serious problem?" By the time symptoms arise, their source may have been present deep within for some time. If inner awareness is sensitive, the imbalance will be located long before symptoms arise. However, if a symptom is present, this means that the problem has not been solved at its deepest level. Either awareness of the imbalance was not present, or awareness was there and the means of addressing that imbalance was not known or could not be implemented.

The root problem is a lack of clear internal communication. It is not that we do not want good inner communication.. Rather, old belief patterns tell us we are not equipped to deal effectively with inner problems, the consequences for a mistake in self-healing are too high, and the time spent to self-educate will delay the cure and increase our suffering. Due to an established feeling of insufficiency to deal with problems, it is natural to seek the advise of experts.

The process of finding a cure can take many different paths. Here I present two basic approaches. One which leaves you powerless and one which leaves you empowered.

The old approach, is to find an expert who knows more than you do about your body. They make a diagnosis using a methodology you do not fully comprehend then offer a therapy you probably do not fully understand. This is particularly true the case with pharmaceuticals which work on the body in very complex ways and often have side effects. I am not trying to debunk the use of such therapies, because we all know that they have helped many, many people. However, this approach leaves the patient feeling as if they really know very little about themselves, and if such a situation arises again, they will be just as dependent upon the authority the second time as the first.

The new approach is to realize that consciousness heals. This means that your consciousness is fully equipped to address the problem. If the body displays symptoms as a result of an inner imbalance, then the body can relieve the symptoms after eliminating the inner imbalance. This is done by shining the purifying light of conscious awareness on the underlying imbalance. With the imbalance dissolved, the outer symptoms will no longer serve its purpose of drawing attention inward. Since Nature is purposeful, this happens quite spontaneously. This approach leaves you not only empowered in the moment, but better prepared to face future challenges as well.

Regarding pills, powders, medicines, herbs, procedures, ceremonies, mantras, gems, etc: these are all inputs designed to activate consciousness to heal the body. It is completely valid to use such an implement to facilitate healing, and has been standard practice throughout our long history. But consciousness alone can be used to heal directly, without these intermediaries.

The purpose of energy healing is to evolve the ability to activate the body's natural healing response through the intelligent focus of awareness alone. We replace these implements from the environment with awareness, our consciousness focused through intention. Then the inner healer awakens.

In my next webinar, (title) we will be directly addressing the means to connect conscious awareness and the powerful healing capabilities in the subtle strata of the self. It should be very exciting and informative.

May your inner healer awaken and be of practical use to you and your friends and family.


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