Making Decisions When the Path is not Clear

Dear Dorothy: How to I know know what to do when my path is not clear? How can I make the right decision?

Dorothy: The manifestation of a desire involves a balance of positive and negative forces as that desire makes its way its point of origin to its point of realization. The energy which promotes any manifestation must be balanced in order to churn the field of life--the field of consciousness--in a robust manner as the intention grows from a faint idea to a full-bodied experience.

Life's fulfillment doesn't end with the human experiencer. It continues to evolve through us to the larger field of creation as a whole, filling the spaces of the universe with our bliss. 

This is why it is so important to use time efficiently. and perform actions which will continue to provide value as they continue to expand. On this note, real value can mean providing rest, beauty, and joy, as much as providing the traditional measurable values of the relative field, such as wealth, relationships, and time. 

Here are two practical methods for making the best possible choice when presented with conflicting options.

The first way is:
  • Take a small step in the direction of your desire.  
  • Pay close attention to see if you get environmental support for this first step. Environmental support means encouragement to take another step in the same direction. It can manifest as internal validation for your action in subtle ways, such as, a feeling of lightness, the notion that "Ah, this feels right,." having thoughts that bring wisdom, noticing the beauty around you, increasing ease, increasing physical comfort, etc. If, on the other hand, you experience opposite reactions, internally or externally, then try a different direction.
  • What if nothing happens? What if you take a step and don't notice either a clear positive or negative indication from within or without? In this case, take a little larger step in the same direction then watch for a bigger response from the environment. 
  • Listen with more delicacy. Often the answer comes in a form to which one is not accustomed. For instance the answer can come back through any sensory channel--as a smell, sound or other sensation. 
  • Sometimes the relationship between the response and the initial action seem unrelated. In this case some interpretation may be required. If the response doesn't make sense, then watch for additional information. It can happen that the answer is only half downloaded, when one is jumping on it to make some sense. 
  • No rush when it comes to big decisions. Take your time. If more information is needed, then take another little step and see what more comes to fill in the gaps. You are dealing with your Self, so there really are no mistakes. 
Sometimes circumstances do not allow one to experiment with choices. For example, when your choice has a big commitment from the start, such as becoming a parent or going for a job interview.

In such cases you can use the second formula:
  • Run the experience virtually. We all run potential events in dream state, whether we remember them or not. However, if you do this with your imagination in the daytime it is much easier to monitor outcomes and effects. 
  • Go through the process mentally and emotionally as if you are really doing and experiencing it. 
  • Pay careful attention to your feelings during the process. If you have a light, buoyant feeling and the outcome is pleasing, then most likely you will have good success. 
  • If the feelings are dark, or you encounter problems in the imagined process, then most likely your imagined choice is not a good direction to take. 

An important point to note: usually, when an idea is proposed to the Divine, one's Higher Self, the answer is returned almost instantly. If, later in the day, there is some other sort of experience coming up, it is unlikely to be connected to the question from hours earlier. In other words, keep the information fresh, and take care not over think the experience.

These two approaches to decision-making have proven themselves very useful to many people. The beauty of both is that they cultivate increased speed and delicacy in thinking, as well as intuition and refined perception. 

In May 2015 I presented two entirely different ways to approach the decision-making process in a blog post entitled "Searching for the Perfect Job: Follow Your Internal Compass."

May your every action bring great blessings and fulfillment to your life and all life on our precious planet.  

Love and gratitude,


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