
Showing posts from 2018

The Bliss of Brahman


Back - Self Healing Practice

Our backs are amazing! They are the scaffolding upon which the whole body rides. Because of this role, there is a harmonious correlation between the complex system of the back and the astral body. The astral body manifests scaffolding for the field of consciousness in the form of belief systems, correlations, formulas, and collective connections. More on the astral body . These values are also related to the function of the back. For instance, the upper back supports the arms and hands which allow us to manipulate our world. So, the shoulders and upper back are the foundation upon which we connect and create in the relative field. We hold the sense of responsibility for our capabilities in the upper back and shoulders.  Backs also house the spinal column which is our central communication network, connecting the brain with the rest of the body. If you take a quick scan of your body, you will notice a deep concentration of consciousness in the spine. There is so much more awarenes...

Enegy Healing for Physical Health Webinar - Session Two


Energy Healing for Physical Health - Full Recording of Webinar


Energy Healing for Physical Health - Full Recording of Webinar


Knee Healing Home Practice

What underlying imbalance causes knee problems? The role of the knees is to be both strong (supporting body weight) and flexible (promoting movement). The knees must balance both of these qualities in order to fulfill their duty to the rest of the body system.  When knees stop working, both the ability to sustain and the ability to progress are lost.  Strength is demonstrated by setting and successfully maintaining healthy boundaries. Flexibility comes from knowing when to bend those boundaries. In my work, the most common imbalance found in the knees is stubbornness. Most people hope that once they have learned proper behavioral guidelines, then the job is done. Unfortunately, behavioral guidelines change from year to year, occupation to occupation, age to age, and so forth.  This video explains how to use your hand chakra to heal any part of the body.  https://www. use-your-hands-to-heal/  With knees, I use a sitting pos...

What Is Energy Healing? ...and a Free Healing for Colds and Flu


Ayurvedic Heart Oil Therapy

This delightful formula will bring peace and nourishment to both the physical heart, the heart chakra, the heart mahamarma and all subtle levels of heart energy. In other words, it heals all the way to the core of your being, through the heart.  Recipe: You will need: Cotton pads (can be found at drug stores, or pharmacy departments) for removing make up, skin care and cleaning.  Blissful heart aroma oil   Ksheera Bala Oil   Procedure: Warm the Ksheera oil Put enough warm oil on the cotton pad to soak it.  Add a few drops of Blissful Heart oil. Place the pad over the center of the heart chakra area.  Lie resting with this pad for 30 minutes or so.  Wishing you deep heart healing and full embodiment of Divine love. 

Healing the Hips

In this blog, I am sharing a wonderful protocol for healing the hips. This is advanced work with the hand chakras. Everyone who has tried it is getting fantastic results. May it serve you well. Start by using the hand chakra. I suggest while laying down, with plenty of pillows to prop up elbows and hands, so that holding the hand in place is completely effortless. Optional: You can envision a flower of life matrix in the palm of the hand. Using the flower of life matrix supports a more concentrated, purified, orderly flow of light medicine through the hand chakra. Select the name of the agama associated with the particular joint (right or left): ~ Left hip - Suprabhedagama ~ Right hip - Arnshumanagama ~ Left sacro-iliac - Nihshvasagama ~ Right sacro-iliac - Vijayagama These names for the joints come from page 195 of Raja Raam's book Human Physiology . I suggest looking at the names as th...

Manifesting in Alignment with Nature Energy Healing Webinar Session Two


Free Energy Healing for Your Body Blueprint - Dorothy Rowe


The Nature of Consciousness and the Divine Dialogue


When a Person Person Dies the Relationship Is Not Over


Relationships An Energy Healing Webinar - Session Two


Relationships - An Energy Healing Webinar with Dorothy Rowe


The Value of Transcending in the Healing Process


Modifying Karma - Forging Relationships within Our Causal Field


The Three Greatest Dangers of Energy Healing


Healings for Ourselves and Mother Earth: Webinar - Part Two


Healings for Ourselves and Mother Earth: Energy Healing Webinar - Part One


Energy Healing to Awaken Universality


Hot and Cold Anger


The Astral Body and the Web of Life


Practicing Energy Healing Webinar - Session Two


Practicing Energy Healing Webinar - Session One


Healing for Qualities of Mother - Dorothy Rowe


Honoring the Ancient Call of the Dinosaurs


Heart Chakra Healing for All the Earth


Experiencing What the Sun Sees


Your Celestial Healing Collective Webinar- Session One


Healing for the Oceans and Jet Stream


Healing for Families of the Earth


Cosmic Dharma of Human Beings


Healing for Hot and Cold Anger

Overview: Clearing sleep and dream deprivation from the past and present Establishing truth between the hypothalamus and the prefrontal cortex  Clearing the illusion that the more one suffers, the more valuable the offering Clearing deep grief, memories of loss, and feelings of being pathetic Under this, clearing long-held  anger  with the help of a download of fine discrimination A great relief is rippling through the web of life, providing a softer air to  work  out life's experiences  Healing: This healing starts by clearing sleep and dream deprivation from the etheric and physical bodies. Also, clearing sleep and dream deprivation from the upper chakras, 6 through 12. Clearing habits of being awake during the pitta period of night (10 pm - 2:00 am). Starting this habit-clearing process in adolescence, and moving forward through time to the present. Layers and layers of compassion are washing the body, and the particular areas of the...

Subtle Realms, Simultaneous Parallel Universes, and Dimensions - Healin...


What is Good about Cold Anger

Anger is a universally common experience. Hands up for anyone who has never felt anger? Oh, no one. By its nature, anger is the great destroyer. For this reason, and for the reason that it is arguably the most uncomfortable of all emotions, we avoid people and situations which elicit an anger response within us or who are angry themselves. Question: If anger is so uncomfortable and opposed to the laws of creation, why does it exist at all?  Answer: The very existence of anger indicates (though not obviously) that it has an important purpose in creation. "For an enlightened man, even the destructive laws of Nature work in his favor." - Maharishi Mahesh Yogi   In our culture, we have been exposed almost exclusively to Hot Anger. You know, the anger which explodes like a bomb and destroys everything in its path. The destructive nature of anger dominates when it is expressed in this way. The fight-or-flight response involves intense emotional impul...

Subtle Realms, Simultaneous Parallel Universes, and Dimensions - Healin...


Healing for Animals in Captivity


Best Way to Self Heal Dorothy Rowe


Heal the Pineal - Distance Energy Work for the Third Eye


Healing from Absolute Silence

Overview: Silence washes through our healing collective and penetrates all levels of expression ​Examination of chaos and order and how both are always present in creation Creating virtuous cycles of bringing forth order from the inside​ ​Clearing longstanding patterns of ignoring chaos instead of boldly facing truth and dealing with chaos The body elemental is ​receiving a blessing from the Mother of creation,​ ​bringing balance and deep peace​ to the body Healing: Starting from Absolute Silence.  This Silence appeals to all aspects of the manifest form through our hearts. Th ​is  Silence washes through our healing collective like a tide from the field of Infinite Being. It cleanses even the outermost expressions of self. I  am watching this wave penetrate all levels of expression. The flow of this tide of Being is especially attracted to wherever the light of Being is inhibited from full expression. Now looking at points in the life timeline where...

Energetic Significance of the Respiratory System

Every system and function in the human body is an expression of Divine intelligence. The respiratory system is no exception. Each breath is an overview of process which Divine Being takes to create our universe from consciousness. As humans, it is our privilege to partake in this holy, cosmic process simply by breathing. When we breath in, we draw the air, a common possession of all beings on Earth, into our body. This is an act of making that which belongs to the collective exceedingly personal, intimate, and for a moment, one's personal possession. From this perspective, the air moves from belonging to many to being possessed by one person. Many ==>One .   However at the same time,  the air is moving from the one collective field to many bodies and many locations in those bodies. One ==> Many .  The One becomes many as the many become One. This immense vision is illustrated by the fundamental nature of the respiratory system.  Whether or not a person ...

Ramayana Story - Breaking the Bow of Shiva


Ten Awesome Ways to Heal with Energy Webinar Part Two


Ten Awesome Ways to Heal with Energy Webinar Part One


You Are Bigger than Entities


What is an Energy Healing Matrix?

Energy healing is based on the understanding that life is found in layers. Our bodies are constructed in sequentially refined layers. The forms of consciousness which heal are also  found in layers.  Energy healing can affect purely physiological changes, such as dissolving toxins or balancing hormones. The healing can flow as subtle forms of consciousness, such as light medicines or restructuring of beliefs. Consciousness at the causal level of the body can take the form of Divine Beings--for example, angels or ascended masters, who manipulate the laws of nature to heal deep wounds, individually and collectively.  Where does an energy healing matrix fit into this picture?  Energy matrices are formed at the astral level of the body. The astral body is the most manifest, yet still collective level of oneself. The astral field is home to the great web of life--an energy structure which connects all things in creation. Threads or channels of energy flow within and ...

Center of the Healing Circle


Energy Healing Q and A Webinar - Session Two


Energy Healing Q and A Webinar Session One


Energy Healing to Cllear Fatique Dorothy Rowe


Energy Healing to Promote Refined Perception


Sacred Gardens of the Heart - Dorothy Rowe


The Immune System and Energy Healing

The immune system is fundamental to all the body systems involved in the healing process. When the immune system becomes ill, then all the other areas of the body are left vulnerable. Health of the immune system is basic to health of the whole body. The primary administrator of the immune system is the thymus gland, located in the middle of the chest just a few inches below the base of the neck. Since this organ sits so close to the energy center of the heart chakra, its functioning is significantly influenced by heart energy. Also, considering that the physical heart creates an electromagnetic field which is so powerful that it affects the whole body, one can imagine the thymus, which is located only inches away from the heart, being ever touched by the heart's power. This means that the feelings in the heart are intimately linked to the effective functioning of the immune system. When exploring the energetic implications of any area of the body, we can use inference based u...

Healing for the Autoimmune System


The Body Elemental - What Is It?


Karma and Resonations of the Causal Body - Dorothy Rowe


Energy Healing with Light Webinar - Part Two


Energy Healing with Light Webinar - Part One


Healing for Balance and the Musculoskeletal System


Collective Healing through the Veil


Following the Thread of Compassion to Its Source


Energy Healing for "Always Running Late!"


Healings for Transmigration of Souls - Session Two Full Recording of W...


Healings for Transmigration of Souls Full Recording of Webinar


Energetic Download of the Cosmic Cleanser Matrix - Dorothy Rowe


Free Energy Healling for Dyslexia


Free Energy Healing for Depression


A Deeper Look at the Causal Body (Includes Energy Healing)


Energy Healing and the Subtle Realms of Existence Webinar - Session Two


Lord Narasimha

Lord Narasimha is one of a nearly infinite number of personified aspects of the causal field of the body. This form of self is a protector, responsible for solving problems, destroying evil and restoring Dharma. Lord Narasimha's special skill is to find a solution in the face of a double bind or impossible dilemma. The principle of Narasimha is more of a function than a specific form. With reverent attention our Being portions off areas of the causal body to function as resonating chambers which hum or vibrate with specific energy signatures. These vibrations are the energetic scaffolding upon which the material realm is propagated. Throughout the history of mankind, this process of creating reality from the inside out, has been understood through myth, legend, and religious stories. Aspects of the process are personified or animated to help clarify how this happens. In the Vedic Tradition, Lord Narasimha is the fourth avatar of Vishnu. In greatly troubled times, Narasimha ...