
Showing posts from May, 2020

Collective Healing for Our World Leaders


Remembering and Owning Our Cosmic Origins -Energy Healing Webinar -Sessi...


Remembering and Owning Our Cosmic Origins - Energy Healing Webinar - Par...


Experiencing Your Cosmic Body


Energy Healing for Challenging Times


Feeling Overwhelmed by a Relationship?


Shoulders, Arms, and Wrists - Home Healing Practice

We manipulate the physical world with our words and hands. The root of this activity is the fifth chakra - Vishuddha . The shoulders are the first extension of this energy center. They are our platform for touching the world. The responsibility of action rests in the shoulders. The shoulders therefore represent our initial intentions behind action.  Energy of the 5th chakra integrates the wisdom of the heart and knowledge of the head. Integration of wisdom and knowledge meets capability in the Vishuddha chakra. This is how we use the tools of speech and action to support evolution.  Each joint from shoulders to fingers represents a phase of the  Divine Dialogue . All major joints in the body are expressions of the Vedic Agamas. Each agama has four parts: ceremony, life style, spiritual practice and knowledge. These four phases correspond with the four phases of the gap and the four pillars of dharma .  Spiritual practice - Tapas (non attachment) - Pradhvams...

Ego, Awakening, and Energy Healing


Healing Depression with Energy Healing

Overview: In energy healing, depression is approached from the causal body. It is not merely a mental or emotional disorder. Depression includes an ancestral and microbial component. Energetically, depression and suicide are emotional cousins to cancer. They grow stronger in the presence of negativity. This means that attempting to destroy them directly doesn't work.  Most of the time we experience thoughts. This means that awareness is stationed in the active area of the mind. When the mind is engaged in a thought it is contracted into the field of meaning.  The Problem: The seed of depression and suicide reside at a very deep feeling level of the mind. I call this level the causal body . Awareness expands when it moves from the surface to the depths.  From the perspective of the the thinking mind, depression and suicide appear to be so big. They are systemically distributed through the subtle field of impression and feeling.   From a superficial persp...

Energy Healing for the Immune System Webinar - Part Two


Energy Healing for the Immune System Webinar - Session One


Our Ancient Pure Potential - Anti-Aging Energy Healing
