Searching for the Perfect Job: Follow Your Internal Compass
Please Dorothy, can you tell what I can do to help facilitate me to be in an ethical, caring, honest, kind and supportive environment?
I am working in a company that is really without ethics and lies abound. Money is the only god here. I feel so bad that I need to be here as I don't want to support these principles.
Please tell me how I can facilitate a change in a way that will not damage myself.
My realm of expertise is the internal reality. I suggest that you find your stable center. Get your inner compass aligned with your highest potential. Then, check every moment against that. Aligning the inner compass is like tuning a string on a violin. The violinist must check three places:
- First getting the correct string in the correct groove. This is akin to the input of the physical body. The body thinks in terms of physical comfort in the present moment. To be at your best, being in a space of physical comfort is basic.
- The violinist then turns the peg at the end of the instrument to bring the A string up to the "A" pitch. This is like the input of the conscious mind. The conscious mind sees the potential of life in terms of the lifetime itself. People usually desire various achievements in order to feel successful and fulfilled. These are part of the inner alignment. We each have slightly different goals, but those we hold dear contribute to our sense of fulfilling our life's purpose.
- Finally you will see the string player make a very intuitive move. They move their hand up under their chin, to a tiny peg that they can not actually see, and turn it ever so slightly, so that the string comes into perfect harmony with the rest of the instrument and the orchestra as a whole. This move is like the incorporation of the perspective of the God presence with the inner alignment. The God presence in each person sees the eternal picture. In the journey of a billion trillion years, one must navigate precisely to reach the goal.
Combining the input of these three areas is an act of integration in itself. When these three areas work in tandem, the effect of any intention is of maximum power. When functioning in this integrate fashion, any thought you have which brings you closer to your goal and closer in alignment with your full potential, will create a shot of joy and expansion. You can trust this experience and follow through with that idea. Any idea that creates contraction, strain, indicates that you are moving off your mark.
I am suggesting that you be very self referral. Regardless of the seeming superficial consequences of the idea. Follow your inner guidance. Once your inner compass is aligned it is like a true star.
It may not lead you in an obvious direction, but in the long run, it will lead you to liberation, which ultimately will fulfill your short term goals as well.
I am attending to the activation of angelic support for your transformation. As long as you are committed to being in tune with your highest future, (not just this life time, but eternal expansion to complete union with the Divine for all times) they will joyfully help seed thoughts which will lead you there as quickly, and efficiently as possible.
Would Distance Energy Work be useful in helping me find a perfect job?
Yes, and definitely, you will be happier and do a better job, when the work before you is aligned with your heart. Love is the actual commodity of the universe. Every being in creation responds to love. It is the money of the angels, plants, all beings. For a deeper insight into this, and some suggestions of how to use this information, see the wealth activation on my website:
Regarding a graceful transition from where you are to where you want to be, you can employ four simple steps:
- Decide to take action. This means just decide to be open to accepting another kind of position, even though you are currently employed. If you start now, you will still have time to give notice, or not at the end of the month. By then you will know for sure if it is the right thing to do.
- Define the parameters of the work that will nourish your whole being. The definition begins as a feeling deep within you. As this feeling rises to the surface to take shape, monitor it, and check that it aligns with your brightest future. The nature of this definition/feeling is to rise to the concrete levels of awareness. So, all you have to do is start it flowing, and enjoy how it flowers forth, without expectations.
- Once you are clear on the direction you want to take, dedicate yourself to taking the action steps necessary to make it happen.
- This is the most important part. Let go. Let the universe decide how your action steps will be met. The outcome has a chance to exceed your highest expectations when it is unhampered by expectation.
From my side, during either a personal consultation or a Distance Energy Work session, I dedicate myself to supporting you by looking for any areas where there may be obstructions to this process, and helping bring any forms of Divine intelligence in, which may help clear obstacles, and shed light on the process.
As soon as you find your direction, you will feel much better, even if there will be a bit of a wait until you can move out of the current job. At least you will be able to see the light at the end of the tunnel, and this will make everything easier.
With love,
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