You Are More Powerful than Curses or Viruses

Dear Dorothy: I have come under a spell from which I cannot be released under my own power.  I am desperate to come out of this and back into the light of God. Many know me as a very good, sweet and comforting person. This spell was successfully cast by a person I know, for no good reason Can you help me? I never imagined that I could be so completely blanketed that God would not or could not resolve a situation but that apparently is my situation.
Peace, love and blessings to you.

Dorothy: Thank you so much for contacting me and sharing your story. You sound like a very darling person. May your situation be resolved soon. I would like to start by offering this short video about clearing negative influences from your energy field.

In my opinion, a curse goes two ways, both the giver and receiver must agree to the exchange. Therefore, when you are ready, you can choose to disallow this person to have the power to define you. Everyone is powerful in their own way, but no one has more power over you than you have over yourself. No one's opinion of you is more powerful than your opinion of yourself.

This situation has arisen in your reality to make you stronger. The person with whom you were interacting is reflecting your strength back to you. He is only a reflection. The negativity is not the part that you are supposed to focus on. It is the ability to move consciousness which is important. When one resists negativity this makes it stronger. The trick is to meet it with devotion. Every energy pattern wants to resolve somehow. Ask the negativity how to bring it to its conclusion. In so doing you are meeting the low vibrational frequency of the darkness with the light of devotion. This uplifts the dark energies to the light of your love. The Heartbeam technique will be especially helpful.

This other person may be able to move energy, but so can your Divine Being. Anything that can be moved out of balance can be moved into balance. Check out my Mechanics of Healing video for some basic points on this process.

I know this person and don't feel that he intended harm. He may be thinking that he was somehow helping you or showing off. People are just doing what they are doing and we have to find an evolutionary angle to support personal progress through the experience.

It is possible to look at holding a curse like holding a virus. There is a state of being which supports the presence of the curse and there is a state of being which is free of all curses. The following exercise works for both curses and viruses. I suggest doing this while drifting off to sleep, so that a good night's rest can settle the healing deep into the body.

1. Note how you feel with the presence of the curse, and remember what it feels like to be free of the curse, or the feeling of being with and without a virus. It is important to have these two resonations side by side so that the difference between them is quite clear in the awareness.
2. With attention, favor the state which is free of the curse. Although at this point in the process you may feel that the cursed state is dominating, it is of value to keep the antithesis of the cursed state, or goal clearly in mind.
3. Cherishing the feeling of perfect health, or freedom from the curse, let it go. Offer it to your Divine Self, to the Source of Creation. You may have to offer it hundreds or thousands of times. This can go very fast. Just keep offering, and offering, and offering.
4. Very soon, non verbal feelings/knowingness/sensations will come to the body. This is usually felt first in the crown or head area. These feelings carry the transformative energies to bring you from the state of illness to the state of health, from the state of holding the curse to a state of liberation. It could take a few minutes for the transformation to complete. At this point favor the new sensation.
5. If the new sensations seems to weaken or disappear, resume the offerings of the vision of the goal again, and the transformative energies will return. If your nervous system is flexible enough to make the offerings and enjoy the transformative energies at the same time this condition is optimal for shaking out of the limitation and awakening to liberation. If not, favor the transformation when it is present, and return to the offerings when it has faded away.
6. Never strain. Just do this easily as long as you have the energy and attention to do so.
7. Enjoy a good sleep and the pleasure of awakening the next day relieved of the weight of outside invaders.

I hope that this helps. Thank you so much for asking.
With love,


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