The Deeper Meaning of Our Challenges

Why do bad things happen to good people? I feel I have lived a good life but I am losing my sight. I'm almost blind from my left eye and the right eye is also suffering and doctors cannot find a way to stop the blindness process.

My experience with this and other situations like it, is that your body and spirit are working together for your evolution. In this case the system has decided to bring the sense of sight back to silence, transcending activity.

There is nature and there is Nature. Behind the beauty in the natural world, there is the Nature of Being itself, the structuring intelligence of the natural world. This reality is the directional aim of your soul. Your body is trying to help you by taking your sight within. Knowing this, you can proactively move toward your goal, and free the body from having to self-sabotage.

There is an organ in the Causal Body which will promote the growth of new tissue in any part of the body. Knowing that this organ exists is the first step in bringing it into use. The attention of your God presence on this organ will activate it. Also necessary would be to clear internal channels of communication to allow the work of the Causal body organ to reach the tissues in the eyes. Energy healing activates the body's innate intelligence, consciousness, to reestablish balance. Our birth right is the expression of our full potential.

If you wish to heal yourself, there are tools available to you. I offer options, and others do too. My website has free offerings, free healings with the Newsletter, and the Youtube channel offers mini courses for learning energy healing.

If you wish to have my support through healings, then personal consultations and Distance Energy Work sessions are both options.

I hope that this helps,

Thank you again for reaching out. May you find the tools and information you need to lead you with grace to a state of peace, and wholeness.



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